
Newsletter Archive

Master the Digital Wave: A Practical Blueprint for Tech Transformation in Your Workplace

Master the Digital Wave: A Practical Blueprint for Tech Transformation in Your Workplace

You're in a unique position to drive digital fluency and transformation in your workplace. Here's how to do it!
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Summertime Ideas To Retain and Engage Hourly Workers

Summertime Ideas To Retain and Engage Hourly Workers

Getting hourly workers to show up – and give their best effort – is especially tough during the “summer doldrums.” Use these quick-hitting ideas to get more from your team when the heat is on.
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Know-It-Alls and Wannabes: Manage Them Effectively

Know-It-Alls and Wannabes: Manage Them Effectively

Dealing with an employee who's arrogant, irrational or downright delusional is one of the toughest workplace challenges – and there’s no escaping it!
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From Boomers to Zoomers: How to Build a Rock-Solid, High-Performance Workforce

From Boomers to Zoomers: How to Build a Rock-Solid, High-Performance Workforce

Future-proof your workforce by understanding and optimizing the performance of our workforce’s newest generations.
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Hiring Someone Smarter Than You: Genius Move…or Dumb Idea?

Hiring Someone Smarter Than You: Genius Move…or Dumb Idea?

Will bringing on someone who challenges the status quo (and potentially shines a light on your weak spots) ultimately benefit your career – and your team's performance? You decide!
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Hiring Someone Smarter Than You: Genius Move…or Dumb Idea?

Hiring Someone Smarter Than You: Genius Move…or Dumb Idea?

Will bringing on someone who challenges the status quo (and potentially shines a light on your weak spots) ultimately benefit your career – and your team's performance? You decide!
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Show a Little Love: How To Bring Out the Best in Your People

Show a Little Love: How To Bring Out the Best in Your People

The grin from treating an employee with a box of chocolates might be fleeting, but these tips really "sweeten the deal" to bring out the best in your people, every day.
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Critical Conversations: A Guide to Essential Employee Communication

Critical Conversations: A Guide to Essential Employee Communication

Whether the topic is simple or complex, straightforward or potentially contentious, use these strategies to have honest, meaningful conversations that drive positive change.
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The BEST Gift to Give Yourself

The BEST Gift to Give Yourself

Give yourself an amazing gift this year – by changing your patterns of thinking.
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Staying Safe on the Job: OSHA Updates

Staying Safe on the Job: OSHA Updates

From electronic recordkeeping requirements to new procedures for handling whistleblower retaliation complaints, here’s what you need to know to stay safe (and compliant) in 2024.
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Untapped Productivity: How To Find It. Reclaim It. And Accomplish More, Every Day. 

Untapped Productivity: How To Find It. Reclaim It. And Accomplish More, Every Day. 

Feeling it in your workplace? Here’s how to break the cycle - and reignite your team’s productivity!
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Maximize Your Productivity with These Game-Changing AI-Based Tools

Maximize Your Productivity with These Game-Changing AI-Based Tools

AI-based productivity tools are revolutionizing the way people approach work - and the options available are staggering! Here are a few of the best to boost your productivity, streamline your tasks, and make you more successful.
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Microstress: Protect Your Team - and Their Performance

Microstress: Protect Your Team - and Their Performance

From difficult co-workers to tech that just doesn't work right, we all experience small stressors in our everyday life. Here's how to prevent these "microstressors" from accumulating - and undermining productivity and performance.
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Humans and AI: The Dynamic Duo in Today's Workplace

Humans and AI: The Dynamic Duo in Today's Workplace

Explore new ways to get things done faster, safer, and smarter - and why your team will always need humans.
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Employee Re-engagement: How to Get More From Your People

Employee Re-engagement: How to Get More From Your People

Are your employees doing the bare minimum – or giving you their best every day? Learn practical tips for motivating employees to go the extra mile, even when times are tough.
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12 Ways to Beat Task Paralysis 

12 Ways to Beat Task Paralysis 

Feeling overwhelmed by your constantly growing to-do list? Task paralysis is real! Here’s how to get unstuck (and maintain your sanity).
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10x Your Thinking - And Build a Culture of Innovation

10x Your Thinking - And Build a Culture of Innovation

Here's how to build the right culture, processes, and team to go from "better" to "truly revolutionary" in your industry.
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Fact or Fiction: Younger Workers Demand a Different Approach to Work

Fact or Fiction: Younger Workers Demand a Different Approach to Work

From training opportunities to flexibility and paths for advancement, learn what our workforce’s youngest cohort really wants from you.
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Quiet Quitters? Ways to Beat Your Team's Engagement Slump

Quiet Quitters? Ways to Beat Your Team's Engagement Slump

Tired of employees who merely "put in their time"? Use these twelve tips to turn quiet quitters into high performers!
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Operation Skill-Builder: Your Ultimate Guide to Workforce Training in 2023

Operation Skill-Builder: Your Ultimate Guide to Workforce Training in 2023

Outperform your competitors during tough times and create happier, more loyal and more productive employees. Here’s how to prepare your workforce for the future!
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GET IT DONE: 52 Weekly Productivity Tips for 2023

GET IT DONE: 52 Weekly Productivity Tips for 2023

We’re sharing 52 of our favorite tips to make each one more productive for you, personally and professionally!
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(Re)Build Trust to Boost Performance

(Re)Build Trust to Boost Performance

If the last two years have eroded your employees’ confidence in you or your organization, here’s how to rebuild it!
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Be Ready for Anything: Managing Effectively During Uncertain Times

Be Ready for Anything: Managing Effectively During Uncertain Times

How can you keep your workforce loyal, productive and flexible? Start here!
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5 Questions To Build a Bulletproof Workforce Plan For 2023

5 Questions To Build a Bulletproof Workforce Plan For 2023

In this issue:
-5 Questions To Build a Bulletproof Workforce Plan For 2023
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Build a More Productive Team!

Build a More Productive Team!

Being busy is one thing. Getting good work done is quite another. It’s up to you to make sure your team is working well together and accomplishing something. Here’s how to build a team that doesn’t just stay busy; it gets things done.
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New Dangers: Hiring and Interview Bias

New Dangers: Hiring and Interview Bias

Want to build more dynamic, diverse and productive teams? Understand why and how bias occurs -- and use these tips to neutralize it.
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You Gotta Sell It: Convincing Top Candidates to Say YES

You Gotta Sell It: Convincing Top Candidates to Say YES

"What's in it for me?" In today's candidate market, you need to sell the opportunity -- and your company -- in the interview. Here's how.
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50+ Questions to  Identify A-Level Candidates

50+ Questions to Identify A-Level Candidates

Whether you're hiring an entry-level worker or a remote manager, these questions will help you identify people with the right skills, work ethic, and culture fit to thrive in your company.
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12 Ways to Be THE Difference-Maker  in Your Company

12 Ways to Be THE Difference-Maker in Your Company

Need proven ways to move the needle on employee productivity, job satisfaction and retention? Good news: It starts with YOU.
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No Excuses! Building a High-Performance Culture

No Excuses! Building a High-Performance Culture

Whether your team works remotely or on-site, here's how to build a "no excuses" culture and get people to live up to their commitments.
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10 Ways To Stay Optimally Staffed in the New Year

10 Ways To Stay Optimally Staffed in the New Year

Whether you have a clear picture of your workforce needs for 2022 or are unsure what future demand will be, use these tips to keep your team performing at their peak by ensuring optimal staff levels.
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Your Guide to Solving the $95,000 Problem!

Your Guide to Solving the $95,000 Problem!

The rules for optimizing employee performance have changed; this guide will help you turn productivity losses into gains and get more output from your team.
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Check out these innovative ideas for your workplace!

Check out these innovative ideas for your workplace!

Your business needs skilled professionals on staff. Yet, identifying, attracting, and retaining talent remains difficult. Fortunately, options are available to help you strengthen your workforce, regardless of your recruiting strategy.
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Will the

Will the "return to normal" tempt your best employees to leave?

Here's how to drive loyalty and performance at every stage of the employee experience.
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It's time to bring this back to the workplace...

It's time to bring this back to the workplace...

Creating a more lighthearted workplace can reduce stress, boost morale and increase productivity.
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Here's How to Go From Talk to Action

Here's How to Go From Talk to Action

Whether they come from you, your team or higher ups, here's how to take new ideas and practical feedback from concept to reality!
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Your Guide to Giving Better Employee Feedback!

Your Guide to Giving Better Employee Feedback!

In this issue:

Skip the Sugar: The Modern Manager's Guide To Providing Feedback Effectively
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Are you asking the right interview questions?

Are you asking the right interview questions?

In this issue:

Modern Interview Questions

What's Next? 6 Ways Your Staffing Partner Can Help
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Do you know who your team's heroes are?

Do you know who your team's heroes are?

In this issue:

Discover Your Team's Hidden Heroes

When Every Day Feels Like Groundhog Day... Try This
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Is your team ready for 2021?

Is your team ready for 2021?

In this issue:

You've Got This: Retooling Your Team's Skills for 2021
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Don't be a nag: Ways to give better feedback

Don't be a nag: Ways to give better feedback

In this issue: -Better Culture = Peak Performance: Managing Employees Through Tough Times
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How to get the most from employees during tough times

How to get the most from employees during tough times

In this issue: -Better Culture = Peak Performance: Managing Employees Through Tough Times
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Do your employees have these skills?

Do your employees have these skills?

In this issue: -Up and Running: How to Get Your Workforce Back to 100% (or better!)
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Time to speed up the recovery!

Time to speed up the recovery!

In this issue: -5 Staffing Ideas to Strengthen Your Team – and Speed Your Recovery -Recapturing Your Productivity: 5 Ways to Stop Rationalizing
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How to Get Your Workforce Back to 100% (or better!)

How to Get Your Workforce Back to 100% (or better!)

In this issue: -Up and Running: How to Get Your Workforce Back to 100% (or better!)
Read More the workplace?? the workplace??

In this issue: -Meditation: Productivity Miracle or Muck? -Build a Smarter Sick Leave Policy
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Get them trained!  Get them productive!

Get them trained! Get them productive!

In this issue: -Cutting the Learning Curve -9 Emails to Improve Your Work Life
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Do you really know your employees?

Do you really know your employees?

In this issue: -Sizing Them Up: How to Assess Soft Skills -Judging a Candidate's Character
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Critical Skills for a High-Performance Workforce

Critical Skills for a High-Performance Workforce

In this issue: -The Right Stuff: Critical Skills for a High-Performance Workforce -Better Meetings, Happier Team
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How worried are you?

How worried are you?

Let your competitors worry about talent and skills shortages this year. By implementing the ideas in this eBook, you'll be saying, "Shortages? WHAT shortages!?" – in 2020 AND beyond.
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Is It the Holiday Blues – or Something More Serious?

Is It the Holiday Blues – or Something More Serious?

In this issue: -Self-Care Is Not Self-ish! -Is It the Holiday Blues – or Something More Serious?
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The end is in sight!

The end is in sight!

In this issue: -Finish the Year Strong! Amp-Up Employee Productivity This Holiday Season -Cutting Through Indecision and Overthinking
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Your Modern Guide to Management Efficiency

Your Modern Guide to Management Efficiency

In this issue: -Work Less and Get More Done: A Modern Guide to Management Efficiency
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Is anyone listening to you?

Is anyone listening to you?

In this issue: -Feedback: Getting Employees to Listen -Friendly Fire: Why It Happens at Work – and How to Handle It
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Is your team dreading this?

Is your team dreading this?

In this issue: -Team Builders That Won't Make Your Team Cringe -Hot Desking: Productivity Booster or Musical Chairs?
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Why is everyone so angry?

Why is everyone so angry?

In this issue: -Can't We All Just Get Along? The Essential Guide to Workplace Harmony
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Don't hire this person!

Don't hire this person!

In this issue: -Don't Hire Me! -What to Do When You're Fed Up
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The heat is on!

The heat is on!

In this issue: -6 Steps to Get It All Done When the Heat Is On -You CAN Vacation With No Regrets – Here's How
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Are you asking these questions?

Are you asking these questions?

In this issue: -[Free eBook] Hiring for the Long Haul: Questions to Gauge Fit, Performance and Potential
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We've got the secret...

We've got the secret...

In this issue: -Secrets to Hiring More Productive Employees…even in this market! -Are You an Evenhanded Manager? 4 Characteristics of Fairness.
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Eye-Opening Stats on Workplace Productivity

Eye-Opening Stats on Workplace Productivity

In this issue: -Eye-Opening Stats on Workplace Productivity -10 Tips for Maximizing Temp Worker Productivity
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Revolutionize your productivity in 2019!

Revolutionize your productivity in 2019!

The 4 "P"s to Revolutionizing Productivity: People, Process, Practice, Partner
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Ready to pop the champagne?

Ready to pop the champagne?

In this issue: -Pop! Ring in 2019 With a Smart Plan to Achieve Your Career Goals -4 Tactics to Make Training Stick
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Reader, we feel your pain!

Reader, we feel your pain!

Where are the skills gaps and what happens if it's not bridged?
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Struggling to find candidates? (You're not alone)

Struggling to find candidates? (You're not alone)

Struggling to find skilled job candidates? You're not alone.
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Stop with the secrets!

Stop with the secrets!

Discouraging employees from discussing salary? Time to rethink that approach. Pay transparency is essential to recruiting and retaining engaged employees.
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Equal Pay: Are you being fair?

Equal Pay: Are you being fair?

Equal pay for equal work: It’s fair. It’s the law. And it’s a policy that will help you recruit and retain a diverse, high-performing workforce. Take pay equality from concept to practice with this comprehensive guide.
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Are You Paying Fairly?

Are You Paying Fairly?

As an employer, are you doing your part to close the gender pay gap? Here's how to ensure you're paying employees fairly -- and minimizing your risk of pay equity claims -- by conducting a pay equity audit.
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There's a goldmine in this email!

There's a goldmine in this email!

Employee referrals deliver more than 30% of all hires. Improve quality of hire and retention. And lower hiring costs. So, what are you waiting for? Here's how to create a killer referral program that's a recruiting goldmine for your organization.
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Is something toxic in your organization?

Is something toxic in your organization?

Job seekers' expectations have changed dramatically in the last few years. Land the best candidates by giving them what they want most during your hiring process.
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What I heard about your company culture

What I heard about your company culture

The best companies to work for use culture as a competitive recruiting tool. Here's how to showcase your organization's values, employment brand and more on your website, to attract the talent you need.
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6 HR and Workforce Trends You Need to Know

6 HR and Workforce Trends You Need to Know

Widening skills gaps. Increasing reliance on contingent workers. Mounting wage pressure. How will these and other trends impact your organization this year -- and beyond?
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Is your pay plan keeping away great candidates?

Is your pay plan keeping away great candidates?

Across the nation, minimum wage continues to rise. Job creation remains solid and candidate shortages have reached critical levels. If you’re serious about attracting -- and keeping -- top talent, it may be time to take a hard look at your pay plan.
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Watch out, Reader

Watch out, Reader

Could that employee you recently reprimanded or terminated be seeking revenge by claiming discrimination? Here's how to recognize -- and reduce -- your risk for retaliation claims.
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Want to Drive Performance in 2018?

Want to Drive Performance in 2018?

Looking for ways to simplify, streamline and get more done at work in the new year? Use the KISS method. Also, we share tactics high performers use before the workweek starts (and then share them with your team).
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How rude!

How rude!

There's a fine line between boorish behavior and harassment; has your employee crossed it? Here's how to tell -- and what to do about it.
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Make seasonal staffing easy

Make seasonal staffing easy

Dreading your busy season -- or is it already here? This handy guide contains all the tips and tricks you need to find the right help, with the right skills, right when you need them (and keep your sanity!).
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Snapchat for recruiting? You bet!

Snapchat for recruiting? You bet!

Social tools are becoming indispensable in business. But Snapchat for recruiting -- seriously?! Learn how to build your brand and recruit amazing talent with the latest social recruiting tools, and why a strong recruiting partner is more important than ever.
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Your employees want this!

Your employees want this!

Macaroon-baking classes and ping-pong tables are trendy perks -- but do they attract and satisfy top talent? Here's what today's employees want, and how leading employers are delivering. And, use these steps to stare down fears, work through them and get more accomplished.
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Free eBook: Interview better, hire better

Free eBook: Interview better, hire better

Want to hire better talent? Start by improving your team's interviewing skills. This practical guide contains everything you need to know to interview smarter -- and land the best talent.
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Thought you would find this interesting...

Thought you would find this interesting...

Who's on Facebook these days? Your future employees. Learn about the features, pros and cons of this new recruiting tool -- and determine if you should add it to your hiring toolbox. And, they're cute, they're cuddly and with a little planning on your part, pets can make your employees happier and more productive.
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Why you're not attracting the best candidates...

Why you're not attracting the best candidates...

Job postings attracting deadbeats (or no one at all)? Let's fix that! Learn how to write postings that really stand out -- and get better applicants, every time. And, these quick tips will help you get better performance from your entire team, by managing introverts and extroverts properly.
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Reader, here's your free eBook!

Reader, here's your free eBook!

This month's how-to guide will help you build more cohesive, high-performing teams by bridging generational gaps.
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Are your employees smarter than you?

Are your employees smarter than you?

Nobody's an expert at EVERYTHING -- business is simply too complex and fast changing! Whether you engage them for an assignment or hire them full time, here's how to effectively manage people with more experience or knowledge than you -- and make yourself, your team and your company even more successful.
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 2017 Employment Law Updates

2017 Employment Law Updates

When the calendar flips, will your company be ready for these important changes? Make sure these issues are on your radar. And, here's how to light the fire -- and keep the productivity you've worked so hard to build rolling into the new year.
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You're wasting time!

You're wasting time!

Want your ideas to be taken more seriously? A bigger budget, raise or promotion? Here's how to get others to notice you in a good way and exert more influence in your organization. Plus, do you really want to really dial up performance? Get everyone on your team to eliminate these small, thoughtless actions that interrupt and eat into productive time.
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Reader's Guide to Getting More Done

Reader's Guide to Getting More Done

Your search for today's best productivity ideas just ended! We wrote the (e)Book on how to make everyone in your organization more organized, efficient and happy.
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Are you stereotyping millennials unfairly?

Are you stereotyping millennials unfairly?

They're tech-obsessed. Entitled. Disloyal. REALLY? If you're recruiting millennials (or other generations) based on stereotypes, you may be missing out on great talent. And, these productivity hacks may be a little offbeat, but they work.
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Oh hey, one more thing...

Oh hey, one more thing...

From sharing "snackable" content to live streaming, here are seven fresh ideas for recruiting your next generation of talent. And, with the average worker experiencing 56 interruptions per day, it's a wonder anybody gets anything done. Here's how to keep daily disruptions from zapping productivity and momentum in your company.
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Important facts on

Important facts on "on-call" employees

Waiting time. On-call time. Exempt vs. hourly. When employees are not technically "working," do you still need to pay them? Get the facts here. Plus, steps to dial-up your team's focus -- and instantly boost their performance!
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Special Report: The Future of Your Workforce

Special Report: The Future of Your Workforce

Here's how to identify and develop promising young employees -- and help them grow into your company's future leaders. Plus, if your team's productivity, engagement and motivation flag during the summer months, use these fun ideas to rally your troops.
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Are your competitors beating you to top talent?

Are your competitors beating you to top talent?

Do you invest sufficiently to recruit A-level talent, or find yourself "peering through the slats" as your competitors hire the best? In the long-run, mediocre talent is no bargain. Here's how to invest in recruiting wisely -- and land superstars without breaking the bank. Plus, how eating meals together can help improve team performance.
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Big changes to overtime rules!

Big changes to overtime rules!

How can you control overhead...and stay compliant?
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Reader, are you ready for the crisis?

Reader, are you ready for the crisis?

Acts of terror. Natural disasters. Cyber attacks. Is your company truly ready to manage crises like these? Plus, if you want to really boost employees' productivity (and happiness) teach them to STOP doing these six things.
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Cannabis Controversy -- Get the Facts

Cannabis Controversy -- Get the Facts

Does the Americans with Disabilities Act protect medical marijuana users? This fact-filled article clears the haze around this contentious issue. Are you frustrated with employees who just don't care about your company or their jobs? Here's why they "check out" -- and what you can do about it.
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5 Workforce Trends for 2016

5 Workforce Trends for 2016

Changes in technology, legislation and workforce demographics will dramatically impact staffing and workforce management in 2016. Stay ahead of these trends -- and make it a breakout year for your company. Plus, who performs better on the job: A hard worker, or someone with innate talent?
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What Do Candy Bars and Employee Training Have in Common?

What Do Candy Bars and Employee Training Have in Common?

Sometimes "bite size" is the best size! Find out how "microlearning" can maximize your training efforts by presenting information in digestible chunks.
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Are the Biggest ACA Cost Hikes Yet to Come?

Are the Biggest ACA Cost Hikes Yet to Come?

Big ACA changes are coming in January. Which ones will impact your business? How can you stay compliant, while keeping costs from spiraling out of control? This month's Great Ideas has the answers!
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Reader, your best people are getting ready to leave!

Reader, your best people are getting ready to leave!

Voluntary quits are at their highest level since 2008. When pay raises aren't an option, what can you do to keep your best people content -- and out of competitors' clutches? This special report shares the practical advice you need to master employee retention. Plus, how to create more productive habits starts with these essential habit-building skills.
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Can you believe what they said during the reference check?

Can you believe what they said during the reference check?

Reference checks are a MUST for making great hires. Use the questions in this month's newsletter to stay legal -- and hire smart. Plus, learn six ways to control "infobesity" with more effective triage.
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Hiring Challenges Survey

Hiring Challenges Survey

In today’s volatile employment market, automatically rejecting job hoppers may cause you to miss out on exceptional hires. Hiring and HR expert Dr. John Sullivan shares 10 reasons to consider frequent job changers -- and how you can keep the best ones from leaving you too soon. Plus, how you can increase your employees' motivation by giving them a greater sense of purpose and ownership.
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How "friendly" are you?

It's no surprise: Star performers seek employers with great corporate cultures. The tips in this month's featured article will help you up the "friendly factor" in your company -- to attract and keep great people. We'll also share some tips on how to keep your team from wasting time on unproductive activities.
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The Supertemp Myth

The Supertemp Myth

In this issue:

-Purple Squirrels and Unicorns

-Productivity Tips: Call Your Mom
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Salary data you can use

Salary data you can use

In this issue:

-How to Get Salary Data You Can Actually USE

-Productivity Tips: You're a Horrible Boss (but don't let that offend you)
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Don't panic!

Don't panic!

In this issue:

-STOP Panic Hiring!

-Productivity Tips: Home-Grown Talent
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The 7 Deadliest Hiring Mistakes

The 7 Deadliest Hiring Mistakes

In this issue:

Experience? Why It's Not All it's Cracked Up to Be

EEOC Steps Up Scrutiny of Workplace Wellness Programs: What's the Skinny?

5 Best Ways to Build -- or Break -- Trust at Work
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Need talent?

Need talent?

In this issue:

Need Talent? Build a Community

Cases Currently before the US Supreme Court May Have a Significant Impact on Employers

Productivity Tips: Tearing Your Hair Out?
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Ready for Your ICE Audit?

Ready for Your ICE Audit?

In this issue:

Ready for Your ICE Audit?

NLRB Takes Exceptional Year-End Steps to Encourage & Support Union Organizing

Learn a New Parlor Trick in 2015
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What do your employees want?

What do your employees want?

In this issue:

Benefits: Do You Have What it Takes?

Employment Law Update: Leave to Accommodate a Disability May Stretch Endlessly

Productivity Tips: Tapping Workplace Creativity
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Start improving employee retention today

Start improving employee retention today

In this issue:

The Stay Interview: an Essential Weapon in the War for Talent

Slideshow: Working on a "Farm"?

Halloween Treats from SmartTalent
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What's hot in workforce management?

What's hot in workforce management?

In this issue:

-Help Wanted! When it makes sense to get outside recruiting assistance

-What's Hot in Workforce Management?
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"You're scaring off the candidates!"

In this issue:

-Is Your Hiring Process Ruining Your Employer Brand?

-Productivity Tips: Thriving in the Interruption Culture

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Can we have your opinion, Reader?

Can we have your opinion, Reader?

In this issue:

Hiring Challenges Survey

Productivity Tips: The Zero Waste Workweek

Tools: Get it Off Your Plate!
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You're working too hard

You're working too hard

In this issue:

-10 Fresh Ideas for Managing Virtual Teams

-Productivity Tips: Work Smarter, Not Harder!
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Workforce misery -- Are you to blame?

Workforce misery -- Are you to blame?

In this issue:

-Are You Making Your Employees Miserable?

-Productivity Tips: Beat Stress – in Less than 1 Minute!

-Tools: Get Your Ducks in a Row
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Contractor Compliance- What You Need to Know

Contractor Compliance- What You Need to Know

In this issue:

To Employ, or Not to Employ?

Got Slackers?

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HR records - Are you keeping the right stuff?

HR records - Are you keeping the right stuff?

In this issue:

-What's In? What's Out? (When it comes to personnel files, that is.)

-Biggest Productivity Killers

-Tools: 5 Ways to Boost Temporary Employee Productivity

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No more excuses!

No more excuses!

In this issue:

-Own It! (So your employees will, too)

-Productivity Tips: What's Your Style?

-Interview Questions to Assess Work Style

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The million dollar job offer

The million dollar job offer

In this issue:

-"We'll Pay You $1,000,000": How To Find Passive Candidates

-Do Brown Bags Kill Productivity?

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Do you hear the whispers?

Do you hear the whispers?

In this issue:

-Are You Part of the "In Crowd" (at work, that is)?

-Productivity Tips: Whistle While You Work

-Results at Work: Simplifying Staffing for a High-Volume Staffing User

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Top Candidates do not Equal Top Employees

Top Candidates do not Equal Top Employees

In this issue:

-Top Candidates do not equal Top Employees

-Fuel More Arguments at Work
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Do more. Spend less. Go crazy!

Do more. Spend less. Go crazy!

In this issue:

-Understaffing: a Risky Proposition

-Productivity Tips: 5 Ways to Keep Employees Happy

-Free Survey to Gauge Employee Happiness
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Another day, another crisis

Another day, another crisis

In this issue:

-Expect the Unexpected: How to Manage a Crisis While Maintaining Workplace Productivity

-Slide Show: The 25 Hour Day!

-Results at Work: A New Approach to an Old Problem Improves Productivity and Saves Money

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2013 EEOC Criminal Background Check Guidelines -- Are you in compliance?

2013 EEOC Criminal Background Check Guidelines -- Are you in compliance?

In this issue:

-To Check or Not to Check? Straight Talk About EEOC Guidelines for Conducting Criminal Background Checks

-Productivity Tips: Keep Interviewing Simple

-Tools: Dos and Don'ts for Conducting Criminal Background Checks
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Feel more like a referee than a manager?

Feel more like a referee than a manager?

In this issue:

-Feel More Like a Referee than a Manager?

-Productivity Tips: Fun & Flexibility Boosts Productivity
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[eBook] Win the War for Talent in Today's Economy

[eBook] Win the War for Talent in Today's Economy

Recent statistics reinforce that while hiring remains sluggish, finding and keeping qualified, skilled workers is getting tougher. If you want to win the war for talent, read this eBook. It examines the true cost of turnover and outlines today's best retention strategies, geared to the unique needs of each of your workforce segments.
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Boost productivity this summer

Boost productivity this summer

In this issue:

-Want to Boost Employee Productivity? Look in the Mirror!

-To Be a Great Leader, Focus on Clarity in Communication

-Tools: ACA Information Sheet
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What's dirtier a keyboard or toilet?

What's dirtier a keyboard or toilet?

In this issue:

-Business lessons from the Staffing Industry Executive Forum

-Want to stay productive? Stay healthy!

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Is March Madness a good thing for your office??

Is March Madness a good thing for your office??

In this issue of Great Ideas:

-Creating Championship Teams for Your Business

-Take Control of Your Day--Before it Takes Control of You!

-Meetings & March Madness
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Free eBook: MBO for 2013

Free eBook: MBO for 2013

In this issue:

-The Shredder Ate my Report--Improve Performance with "Management by Objectives" (MBO)

-Productivity Tips: What's Out? Multitasking. What's In? Mindfulness!

-Case Study: Simplification. Streamlining. Single-source options.
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Welcome to the new Talent Matters

Welcome to the new Talent Matters

In this issue:

-Hiring in 2013? Key Talent Acquisition Trends to Watch

-Five Ways to Make This Your Most Productive Year Ever!

-Why questions can be your most powerful employee motivation tool.
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Stuff the Bird - Not Yourself!

Stuff the Bird - Not Yourself!

For this month's issue of Talent Matters, we thought you might like some ideas to help your employees kick-start some positive changes and keep their holidays on a healthy track. After all, a healthy employee is more productive--and less expensive!
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Very Impressive!

Very Impressive!

It's a cliche because it's true: you never get a second chance to make a first impression. And when you're making that impression in front of a group, the stakes go up.
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Are You Making These Hiring Mistakes?

Are You Making These Hiring Mistakes?

This month in Talent Matters, you'll find a checklist for assessing your interview style--and why it may need to change.
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"Want to do lunch?"

Setting the stage for the future success of any employee is crucial, and it begins at the beginning. And if you want your new employees to add value from the start, here's how to make it easy for them.
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Welcome to Talent Matters from SmartTalent!

Welcome to Talent Matters from SmartTalent!

Features include our new blog and Employer Resource Center with a wealth of information about how Smart Talent can help you access talent and maintain a flexible workforce now and in the future.
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