Employment Law Note: Social Media Law Update
Social media in the workplace has been a "hot" issue for several years, and there are no signs of a slowdown for this controversial topic. In fact, recent National Labor Relations Board decisions and the Washington State social media privacy bill show that employee use of social media is presenting more complicated issues than ever.
Click here for recent labor law developments and social media legislation.
Want to Boost Employee Productivity?
Look in the Mirror!
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To Be a Great Leader, Focus on Clarity in Communication
Great leaders mean what they say--and say what they mean. Learn four keys to becoming a better leader, just by communicating more clearly.
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Tools: ACA Information Sheet
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), taking full effect in 2014, brings big changes to the health insurance plans businesses must offer. It is important to make sure you know the facts about the PPACA and understand the options a staffing agency can provide, so that your firm is fully prepared for the new legislation.
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Quote of the Month
"Do not hire a man who does your work for money, but him who does it for love
of it."
-- Henry David Thoreau