Cannabis Controversy -- Get the Facts |
Does the Americans with Disabilities Act protect medical marijuana users? This fact-filled article clears the haze around this contentious issue. |
Joint Employment Can Have Expensive Consequences for Unsuspecting Businesses |
During its waning hours, the Obama Administration has been busy issuing new regulations and administrative interpretations to accomplish administratively what it was unable to accomplish legislatively. An area of focus has been wage and hour law because of the Administration's concerns about income inequality and its belief that workers are often not paid fairy and accurately. In July 2015, the Administration issued a new administrator's interpretation addressing misclassification of employees as independent contractors. With a new administrative interpretation in January, the Administration has turned its focus to joint employment under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act (MSPA). |
They're Not That Into You |
Frustrated with employees who just don't care about your company or their jobs? Here's why they "check out" -- and what you can do about it. |
Quote of the Month:
"Engaged employees are in the game for the sake of the game; they believe in the cause of the organization."
--Paul Marciano, PhD
Reader, want to reduce employment risks -- and boost employee performance? Call SmartTalent to help you hire smarter and deliver the support your team needs. |