eBook: Win the War for Talent in Today's Economy
Across the country, employers are engaged in a fierce, prolonged battle to hire and retain top talent.
"But unemployment is still high," you say. "But I'm flooded with résumés every time HR posts a job," you declare.
However, recent statistics reinforce that while hiring remains sluggish, finding and keeping qualified, skilled workers is getting tougher. If you want to win the war for talent, read this eBook. It examines the true cost of turnover and outlines today's best retention strategies, geared to the unique needs of each of your workforce segments.
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Employment Law Note: The EEOC Provides ADA Guidance on Specific Conditions
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently issued four new "Question and Answer" documents that address how the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) relates specifically to diabetes, epilepsy, intellectual disabilities, and cancer. These documents provide clear answers to common employer questions about hiring and accommodating employees with one or more of these conditions. They also offer various concrete examples showing how to apply the ADA to specific scenarios.
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Employer Alert: Seattle Criminal Background Ordinance
On June 10, 2013, the Seattle City Council unanimously approved an ordinance restricting employers' ability to access public records and conduct criminal background checks on potential employees.
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