Employment Law Note:
New FMLA Rule in Effect on March 8
In early February, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL ) issued a new final rule on the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). The new rule relaxes the requirements for obtaining military "qualifying exigency" leave or "military caregiver" leave, addresses disclosure of family history for FMLA purposes under the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), describes what minimum increment to use for intermittent leave, and contains provisions for members of airline flight crews. The DOL has also made revisions to its FMLA forms and poster, which went into effect March 8, 2013.
Click here for a summary of the changes >
Creating Championship Teams for Your Business
It's Game Time! >
Productivity Tips: Take Control of Your Day--Before it Takes Control of You!
Overflowing inbox? Ever-growing to-do list? Constant interruptions? We all deal with productivity killers like these. Use these tips to take control of your day--and get more stuff done.
Kill the Killers >
Tools: Meetings & March Madness
Here's some math that might make you mad: If your team of six wastes (oops) spends just 10 minutes discussing NCAA brackets (or anything else non-work related, for that matter) during a meeting, that's a full hour of lost productivity! Make your meetings more productive by planning an agenda with this form.
Stop the Madness! >
Quote of the Month
"Life is too short to waste time with people who don't make you happy. Surround yourself with good people, and good things will happen."
-- Author Unknown